Sunday, August 21, 2005

My Head Hurts.....

I have never suffered from headaches on a regular basis. Aside from the sinus headache I get in cottonwood season, I don't get headaches.
Well, the one I had this weekend made up for all those missed headaches.
I guess it was a migraine. I have not had one before, but this fit the description to a tee. Blinding pain, severe nausea, trouble seeing, and a desire to attain the fetal position in a quiet dark room...And never leave. I have since read about some remedies for such debilitating headaches. Most seem to prescribe Magnesium, Riboflavin and Feverfew. If I get one again, I will do anything to get rid of it. I have a friend who suffers from recurrent migraines and I sympathize. Wow, those are awful! I wish you luck on finding a remedy that works! My research suggests several therapies.

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