Monday, December 19, 2005

Testosterone vs Estrogen

I went to a private Dojo tonight to spar. I had a great time and learned so much. I did acquire a few more bruises, but nothing terrible.

There were four women and five men. Two of the women are teenage girls prepping for their black belt test in March. We all took turns with one another and by the end of the night, we had all sparred one another in turn. It was great.

After that, the men squared off and did body work. Which is basically trading body hits, hard body hits.

At one point, I couldn't help myself, I turned to one of my fellow female students and said, "Isn't testosterone amazing?"
And it is, men are so much stronger. All because of the endocrine system and a couple specific hormones. Those hormones hard-wire men and women so differently.

Women have strengths too, just not physical strengths. Watching the guys go at it really drove home the point that if you are female, you do not want to be on the receiving end of one of those hits. We just aren't built for it.
So we have to accomplish things in other ways. The cool thing is we can.

The more I study martial arts, the more I feel I understand why men and women are supposed to be together.

One's strength is the other's weakness, and vice versa.
Yin and Yang.

Very cool.

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