Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Second Semester...Slam!

Well, here I am in second semester of nursing school and slammed is the word.
As Stephani would say.

We are busy, busy and I am worried I will not keep up at times. I sat down this week and put all of my due dates and assignments into my palm to try and keep up. I am sure it will be OK. (Please...?)

On the job front, the newborn hearing thing looks pretty good as I got feedback on that today.
On the teeth front, I need a crown. Yuck.
On the martial arts front, my right foot is better, but still painful. I kicked my instructor and he blocked with his knee, crafty man. Big bruise but dodged the broken bone bullet.

Otherwise, things are doing pretty good. Except the weather is not Moose friendly. This takes the fun out of travel to and fro....

More later!!

1 comment:

Lily of God said...

Slammed is such an accurate way to describe it. And it's sad that the weather isn't Moose's favorite. Ruby doesn't care for it much either, although she has a heater.

Word out.
