It is Spring yet again.
Considering what normally happens in spring...
Male posturing and competition.
That is very obvious in the animal world. How does it relate in the human world?
Human beings are one of the few species where the females can be more flambouyant than the males. Typically it is the males that have the colorful plumage, large, fluffy coats, or horns with which to compete for females with. Generally, this makes the males more visible and thus, more susceptible to being eaten.
However in the human world, both genders are generally more visible with the females being more visible than some of us would wish at times. This is one difference.
I have also come to understand that after battle, often times men have a major increase in libido. Why is that? I think it may have to do with the age old fact that males at battle usually battled for breeding rights. At the end of the battle the victorious have rights to breed.
Our civilation, our culture has leaped ahead of our evolution through our technology, food production and the like. Our biology has yet to catch up with our society's evolution. Biology just does not move that fast.
Maybe males going through battle still have that biological memory if you will, that the reward for battle involves rights to females. Just a thought. Maybe this also has something to do with why in raging battles, the raping of women also happens. A horrible thing, but similar behaviors can be seen in numerous animal specieswhen taking over other groups' females.
I also have known of women who are very taken with men who fight over them. Some of these women often encourage such situations. Not healthy, but a fact.
So the idea of battle being a prelude to rights to females and the right to propogate genes may not be so removed from our species.
Just some random thoughts.....