Sunday, July 24, 2005

Unexpected Bunkai

I have recently discovered other uses for Tae Kwon Do in addition to self defense and personal fitness. The martial arts in general keep you healthy both mentally and physically. So, what other uses, do they have??

For stubborn shelves, a swift, sharp front kick, upwards, will dislodge the shelving.
For well installed base boards, heel stomps are very efficient in either breaking the offending board or dislodging it.
Any vertical supports can be felled by strong, accurate inside crescent kicks.
Or, vertical obstacles that you can get to the side of can be removed with a very effective side kick.

Word to the wise (wild?), be certain your techniques are accurate in their delivery or you can end up with some nasty back-lash. At any rate, home improvement is yet another venue for one to practice the arts.
Happy Training!

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