Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Another manufactured holiday is upon us.

I was wondering where exactly Valentine's day comes from.

I decided to find out. Its history is a bit murky but still wrapped in the lovely blanket of love.

I have never thought much of this holiday. It seems to be yet another method of our over-commercialized society to force people into spending money in yet another frivolous fashion. Make no mistake, I am not a tightwad, I just don't need an entire day, on a national level, to remind me to tell the people in my life that I care about them.

Why can't I do that every day?

In any way I choose?

I know we are all very, very busy and it is easy to take the ones you care about for granted.

Maybe the take-away message for Valentine's Day is this:

Remember the people you love and cherish them everyday. They have a choice as to whether they are in your life or not. Be openly thankful for their presence in your life. People need to know you love, appreciate and value the investment they make in your life.

So say so.

As often as possible.

Valentine's Day is just a reminder.


Anonymous said...

Bah. Stop it, or I wont get my oversized teddybear and random chocolate covered crap this year. Don't you know I need these things to understand the deeper amounts of love people feel for me? Without them.......there will be no way to tell! St. Valentine smites you!!!!

Anonymous said...

.....He smites you so hard.....

Research Guy Trying to Make Sense of Life said...

Perhaps it is because as a society we are becoming largely inconsiderate of others and some people not all but some need a boot in the butt to remind them? Of course I wouldn't want to be one or be with one of those people but still.