Monday, April 11, 2005

Feng Shui...or lack there of.

My interest in Feng Shui dates back several years now. Although I may not go by every tiny rule of Feng Shui, I still believe its use can greatly improve your life and increase your internal calmness. It is a long known fact that color influences our mood and overall mental state. Feng Shui utilizes color to affect the energy of a living or working space.

Feng Shui's primary principal is the 'no clutter' principal. This, I whole heartedly believe in. This belief is being tested right now in my work environment. The lab I work in is under major renovation. Consequently, NOTHING is in the same place for more than 24 hrs. And everything is in the floor, on my desk, all over my bench...EVERYWHERE!! So the disarray is incredibly distracting.
However, as most of the walls of the lab now sport a new, fresh coat of white paint, I can easily feel how much nicer it is to be in the rooms that are newly painted. Color has its influence.

In the end, it will be so much better. New color and all the extraneous, useless garbage will be thrown out!

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