Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Engineering at its Finest

I started my Anatomy and Physiology II class this week. I am taking it at North Lake college. It is going to be a great semester!! I have a great instructor, the lab is well equipped with, ohmygoodness, current and complete models!! Not like last semester!!

In lecture tonight we discussed the heart, it's anatomy, circulation and the layers protecting it. I had forgotten how amazing our bodies are!! Such a marvelous feat of engineering! The way the valves work by changes in pressure driven by sheer physics alone, their chordea tendineae helping hold the atrioventricular valves steady, the organization of blood flow, the whole "structure defines function" in its true form.

I love developmental biology too, and the heart's development is so cool. Am I sounding like a nerd yet?? It starts as two tubes and grows together, twisting around to form the great arteries at last. Wow.

People take their bodies for granted, when, in fact, each person possess one of the most amazing examples of engineering the world will ever know.

Look after that engineering and it will serve you well.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Lisa
My body's engineering is showing some failure. The hip sort of cranked out tonight. Thank goodness for Ibuprophen.

Hope you had a great week off and have a super Labor day.
