Thursday, December 07, 2006

The job hunt...

Yes, now that I have the first semester down, I need to find a job to actually continue to pay my bills. I have applied at three of the hospitals in the area and will follow-up tomorrow with them all. I hope to find something in an interesting field. Yeah, but job, income per se, is the goal. I have faith the right things will come along. You just have to be prepared.

My one goal is to try and avoid waiting tables.
But, whatever works....
We will see, it is all an adventure!!

One down (almost!) three to go...

Yes, next week is finals week! I tested in my final skills scenario check-off today and passed with a perfect score. Four our of hour, WooHoo!! I am having a blast at the nursing thing. I have two finals next week, one in lecture that I must do outstanding on to keep my scholarship and the other in skills lab. So far, so good.

I am enjoying all of this more than I thought possible. I really thought there would be more of the nursing stuff that I simply thought, "OK, just do this, get through it, and go on to the next thing." Surprisingly, I have yet to encounter this . I still have no real idea of what facet of nursing I will go into, but that is what rotations are for, right? That is my hope anyway.

One of my close friends who is a NICU nurse informed me the other day that she had decided on the field I should go into: Burn trauma unit. Her reasoning?

"Well, Lisa, you do whatever you need to do to keep your patient from coding (i.e. dying) and you have morphine in one pocket and more drugs in the other. After the crisis is over, you call the Dr and tell him what you did so he can write the order. Oh, and it doesn't really require lots of bedside manner...just your thing!"
I love Chrsity, even pod Christy.
I am glad she loves me....

So, wish me good vibes as I plow into finals week next week.

I did, actually feel sorta like a nurse last week. I got to do lots of education and the family of the patient I was with, wanted my help and I feel as though I was really helpful. It was nice.

It's all about who you wrap your love around...

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

To know or not to know...

If you do a good deed, should the person who benefits know about it?
Just food for thought...
If you do something that really improves another’s life, and they are completely unaware, should they come to know how that benefit befalls them?

Or is it better to do as the saying goes; random acts of kindness. Random indicating that the receiver is unaware or possibly undeserving. But doesn’t everyone deserve kindness?

Maybe it is better for the person benefiting to be oblivious. If they knew, would it change the meaning and gravity of the kindness? Is it a comfort to know that “someone out there” meant you well and you are incapable of returning the gift even if you wanted?

I firmly believe what you put into this world does come back to you. I do not believe in judging people, ostracizing them or interacting on a conditional basis with people. I also thoroughly believe that it is the responsibility of each person to be good to other people.

The ones that are hardest to love are the ones who need it the most.

Ever so true.

On the flip side, I think it is hard to gift someone with something or make someone’s life better without them understanding the how and the why or the journey that the deed required. We are human and humans tend to be self-centered in the respect of acknowledgement. I think it is important to make other people’s lives better even if they don’t now how it came to be, even if they don’t understand the investment.

It still improved life.
Is this not the point to it all?

Just a thought.
Just a question.

Saturday, October 07, 2006


So far, all the patients I have cared for have had wonderful family. Their kids or spouse or siblings have been there to help look after them and for emotional support.

I know I have blogged about this before, but there are two things in this world you should be most thankful for--thankful right down to your soul.

The fact that someone loves you and your health.

You can buy neither one. They are only gifts. The later of the two being luck of genetic reshuffeling.

Being loved by someone, is a gift both ways. Always love whom you love freely.

Your health, well, take care of what you have! Don't take it for granted, because when it is gone, it is really gone. With your health also goes lots of other things. Participation in life, judgment, courage and independence are the things that saddle up and ride away with you health.

fortunately, for the people I have interacted with so far, family is there ready and willing to take care of things. I know I will encounter those in the future that will not be so lucky.

Take care of yourself first. If you don't take care of you, then you can't take care of anyone else.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Clinical Scenario One

As the instructor breathes down your neck...

My first clinical scenario check off was Tuesday. It involved taking all the vitals; blood pressure, temperature, pulse and respirations. Every scenario involves a huge safety factor. Bed rails up, call button in reach, all that.

Having taught people marital arts for so long, and horse riding lessons, I am used to the teaching aspect that nursing requires. I was very relieved to find that I passed with excellent marks and comments from my instructor. I am really having lots of fun learning to be a nurse. Obviously there will be things I don't like, but I don't have to do these things forever, and all learning is good.

Sadly, many people in class did not pass. I think more than anything, it was the stress that got to them. I know they will all do better and most likely pass without any problem on their next try.
But the stress is the real deal. You gotta be able to tune it out, take control of your nervous system and get'r done!

Who knew I would use Tae Kwon Do and Tai Chi in such varied ways in my life.

Monday, October 02, 2006

Theory of Care

Here I am again in the Monday theory class of nursing. I am getting the feeling that I have had grooming for nursing school all my life. Today's big lecture is over therapeutic listening. How to listen, how to further conversations with patients and how to give feedback.

I have always thought listening was one of the key aspects of learning to be a person and learning to be a friend. I always thought it was a challenge to listen without harboring preconceived ideas or without having already formulated an "answer" ready for a stream of conversation that hasn't even happened yet. Listening for me is the art of mental stillness; yet the mind must stay completely alert. You have to be still and listen. Whether that be finding pulses on your patient or hearing the words your patient speaks. You have to listen in exactly the moment, you can't get ahead and you can't lag behind. You listen with all your self, all your senses. You also can't decide what is being said before the thoughts are being expressed If you do, you have stopped listening.

Then, what do you do with what you hear? I always like asking more questions.
I know that won't surprise most of you...

Sunday, October 01, 2006

New experiences

For those of you who know me, you all know I don't talk about my personal life very much.

I became divorced last year. It has been an education for my about the world of single. I am very fine with my current status of "alone." As a matter of fact, I like it just fine. Not that I was married to a bad person, but just that it was the wrong place.

But I must comment on the single vs., married persona.

Most of my friends are still my friends. It has been a very few people who have suddenly decided that single equals not worthy of dealing with. But at large, being single does change the world as you interact with it.

The reactions of those around you are very interesting. There are those that want to 'hook you up' as soon as possible. These are great people, and well meaning, but it wasn't on my agenda. There are those people close to you who understand that there are things you need to deal with for you, so that in the event you inflict yourself on someone else, it will be ok. There are also those people who think you have suddenly contracted leprosy and cease talking to you as if leprosy is catching via the air.

I really don't care. It has just been interesting to experience. I did not know until now, how much of other people's perception of you was intertwined with your married or single status in life. I always liked people for who they were. It wasn't about who they were with or who they were married to. So initially, I didn't understand. Now I do.

It just goes to show I am not like other people. I am actually really happy about that. It is a little painful at times, but in the long run, it is good.

Having lived through this experience, I hope to always treat people as individuals first, and as partners second. People need to be identified as individuals first, as spouses or counterparts later.

It is really about taking care of those around you. The individual people.

Saturday, September 30, 2006

It's a Small World

Well, nursing school proves to be a very small world. The patient I took care of this week was the father of someone I know. A very small world indeed.

So far I have learned quite a lot in school. We have covered how to take vitals, how to assess a patient; all of those clinical things. But what I find to be the most telling is the "reading between the lines" of nursing care. It isn't about what a patient tells you, it is about what they don't tell you that really matters. One of my challenges as a nurse is the difference in diagnosis between us nurses and doctors. I was worried for quite some time that I had made a poor choice on going to nursing school and not going to med school. I am good with my decision now. Nursing is about taking care of the whole person, doctoring is about caring for the disease. I like the whole person approach. I know I will specialize in some field of nursing, I am just not quite sure what yet. Regardless of what my specialty is, it will be the whole person I am concerned with, not just the disease.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Week One of Nursing School

I have survived week one of nursing school.
The major things we covered:
  • Washing hands (yes there is a "right" way to do it)
  • Legality of nursing liability
  • Mastering the ability to calculate medications
  • Attire

I am into the second week and it is more interesting. Bathing people, brushing people's teeth, generally giving basic care. I hope to learn these things and perform them the acquired number of times and NEVER have to do them again. Med-Surg nursing I doubt will be for me.

Still, I will need to know all these things.

Give me blood and guts anytime over dentures, flossing someone else's teeth and bed baths.

I will keep you posted on the progress!!

The beating that is moving...

I have now moved twice in three weeks. I do not recommend this to anyone.

But, I was offered a deal I could not refuse, so my housemate and I moved, yet again. We have both vowed we will not move again in less than two years. By then, I have also vowed to rid myself of any extraneous stuff.
This is the beginning list of things to purge:
Stuffed animals. Yes, even a 35 years of age, I still have a few. Some will never leave, that is just how it is.

Extra clothing. Does it breed in your closet? Where does it come from? I don't even really shop!!??!

Shoes, yes, painfully, shoes. I have several that I do not wear, and the new rule is, if I don't wear it, out it goes. (This just means I will need to buy more shoes...I AM female!!)

Garage stuff. Yes, stuff for the car, the motorcycle, garage stuff. I just need to stream line the garage.

I will keep the few major furniture pieces I have.

Things I will buy more of.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Money for School

I attended the Collin County Foundation Scholarship Awards Ceremony this evening. I was prepared for a boring, yadda, yadda, yadda hoopla.
I was wrong. Happily so.
I received a foundation scholarship for the Fall and the Spring for my nursing school tuition. It isn't a huge sum, but free money is free money. The fun thing was checking on my bill for my tuition and finding that I had a $43 amount owed to me for books. Rock on.

One semester paid for, three to go.

The ceremony itself was really well run and very interesting. The officials from the school did an excellent job in keeping the speeches succinct and yet interesting. No one nodded off, not even the donors!

The one thing that showed through: the enthusiasm for education.
A nursing program graduate spoke about her experience at the school. She is a living illustration of what an education, at any level, can do for your self esteem, your future and the future of your children. She also had been a recipient of several of the grants and aid programs Collin County offers. And it paid off. She and her husband, who had just returned from Iraq, were now able to send their kids to school.
What a difference.
Truly, knowledge is power.
An education is the one strength everyone has the ability to possess. With the programs that are available, you can still get it done.

Education is worth every penny because the price of ignorance is astronomical.

Thursday, July 27, 2006


I did have a great time in Australia. I will write more later, and have pictures.

Suffice it to say the highlight of the trip was diving with Minke Whales.

I have now completed the check list....

After this morning, I have completed all the errors associated with being a new motorcyclist.
  1. Droping your bike from a standstill-left side.
  2. Dropping your bike from a standstill- right side.
  3. "Hugging" the pavement at (albeit very small) speed.
  4. Having to have bike repaired.
  5. Acquring a nail in the tire.
  6. And the finale: Running out of gas.
I think I am done with the Bike error list!!

But I still totally love it!

Monday, May 22, 2006

I Almost Died Today

I was west bound on I-190 today. Well, for most of the time.

There was moderate traffic, nothing too congested and everyone was going fairly swiftly, about 60-70mph. I then realized that someone was getting really close to me on the right side. Right flush even almost.
Don’t you see me? I am electric blue for god’s sake!
I sat on the horn and braked to give them time to react.
Then I came to the realization that they were not stopping and I was about to be smushed.
In a big way.
At 70mph with lots of other cars.

Mistake #1:
I didn’t quite get the foot off the brake before steering into the lane next to me. So my car began fish-tailing severely. I couldn’t accelerate out of the fish-tail because there were cars in front and I knew I wouldn’t straighten up before I hit them. I kept driving as best I could but I then ended up facing east but still traveling west staring at all the other drivers trying to avoid me.
It is a very unsettling feeling; watching people coming at you, trying to avoid you, while still going away from them.

I decided that if I was going to get in a wreck, I wanted to be hit from behind or on the side, so I gave the wheel another tiny squeeze and 360 degrees later I was heading the right way on 190. Or would that be 540 degrees?

I finally regained control still going about 45mph in the far left lane. No one was hurt, and I have no idea how I missed everyone or how they missed me.

The one tension breaker occurred as I entered the highway again, having driven on the shoulder long enough to know my car was OK. I man in a ford 150 rolled down his window and gave me a VERY enthusiastic “thumbs up.”

I am so glad my near death experience was entertainment for someone.

He really enjoyed the show.

I have a new appreciation for how my car handles and how well put-together that little Subaru is. I think anything else would have flipped once it got sideways at 60mph. The all wheel drive is an attribute I will require from now on.

I love my car. I think in anything else, I would have been in a horrible wreck.

Let’s hope I don’t have to do that on my motorcycle.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

One More Class Down, 4 Semesters to go!

I finished my Developmental Psychology class...finally! It felt as though it would never end. I am glad to have the next few weeks off before I start my statistics class. Yes, I still have to take statistics. It shouldn't be bad at all.

Then it will be the foray into nursing school! I know it will go quickly but it is still going to be tough. I have survived worse. After that, an RN will allow many possibilities.

Such excitement!

Monday, May 08, 2006

Thought of the Day

I went to lunch with one of my brothers the other day. This statement came up in conversation:

Don't marry someone you can live with, marry someone you discover you cannot live without.

I thought it was very profound. We can live with lots of things in our lives, but typically those things come and go. Our mate, our partner, should be the one element we find non-negotiable in our lives.

Sage advice.

Monday, April 24, 2006

Update on Fight Night

My Monday night sparring is still great! I am learning lots and I feel that I am getting better. I am still getting clobbered fairly regularly, so I still suck at it.

So much to learn...

So few ice packs.

I got tagged a little tonight again on the right cheek. Not too bad. I do really enjoy the fighting and the learning. So, I am still going, still getting fairly beat up, but I do feel I am progressing, slowly but surely.

It is a fantastic stress relief as well. By the time you come down off the adrenalin, you are tired.

I'll keep you posted as to how things develop. Until then, keep your hands up!

Turner Falls 2006, Spring

Friends and I went camping this past weekend at Turner Falls Park in Davis, Oklahoma. It is a park that is maintained by the city of Davis. I have been here a couple times before and really enjoy camping and hiking the hills and wading in the streams and rivers.

This time was a little different. First of all, we went in a little warmer weather than I like to camp. So bugs were an issue. There were lots of bugs, and ticks. Three of the four people who went were black belts in Tae Kwon Do, the fourth trains horses and is no stranger to hitting large animals trying to hurt her. In short, no sissies here.

However, we are still women and flying bug things are NO fun! We did in fact scream like girls on several occasions. Jen showed the utmost in composure having been awakened one night by having a cold, squishy something land on her upper chest. Said squishy thing turned out to be a caterpillar, but at 2AM, it could be a small alien. She flung it away with silence, a testament to her self control.

In addition to bugs, there was a certain different, um, demographic of the people partaking of the park. We actually moved our camp after the first night because of the 6 tents of people, dogs and children that moved into the camp site next to us at, no kidding, 3:30 AM. One of the more clothed of us got up and screamed liberally at the unruly folks being a high decibal nuisance. It was awful. The next morning, as we ate breakfast, we unanimously decided we would move camp as we observed that four of the larger men of the group were starring constantly at us as if we were livestock. I don’t think we can adequately explain to men what that type of stare feels like to women. Needless to say, we moved.

Once that was done, fun and frivolity ensued! Everyone got their junior mountain goat award, as we rock-climbed with the best. We forged trails where there were none and sat for quite some time in the cool stream by our camp site. Ok, freeking cold stream, but it felt good.

Sunday AM proved to be a really hot day, so we packed it in a little early on got on to home.

Jen has pictures from her blog, check them out!

Next time we will camp where there is a curfew on letting people into the park. We will camp in colder weather. We will have a large fire (no burn ban!)

Still, a great time was had by all!

Phrases/ words of the trip.

  • Pretty, Pretty, Pretty
  • Picture, picture, picture ( said while clapping hands and jumping up and down)
  • Yes, we are jumping ship
  • Lisa, where are we going?
  • What beverage will be the sacrificial honey bee diversion?
  • What fire ban Mr. Park Ranger? We are just cooking dinner…

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Darwin's Radio

With the assistance of Dr.'s ordered quarantine because of Strep throat, I just finished a book by Greg Bear, Darwin's Radio.

It is a fiction (OMG, yes I read a fiction book!) that is based in the current time and deals with human evolution.

It is very correct in the research regarding endogenous human retroviruses that are buried in our DNA. The premise of the book deals with these very old viruses human beings have accumulated through time being the 'machine' used for making leaps in human evolution by restructuring us at the genetic level.

It examines the political and psychological aspects of such a leap and the ramifications of such a biological change occurring in our society. As unpleasant as the book illustrates society and our government behaving, I think it isn't too far off the mark of what could really happen.

Even if you are not scientifically versed, it is an excellent read with enough explanation to follow the science, but doesn't become bogged down in the science.

Thumbs up!

Monday, April 10, 2006

Quotes for Thought

A sad thing: To survive something bad and yet learn nothing from it

In the words of Dove Chocolate: Learn something from everyone you meet.

How is it that stuff seems to rate about people?

How is it that fear can control so completely? The truth is, people treat you how you allow them to treat you...even if it is yourself that is treating you badly.

How can little fish be so damn noisy?? I mean, they are about 3-4 inches long and they can wake the dead with there gulping.

Different people have different expectations. Finding someone with a set of expectations resembling your own is worth the wait. However, you have to first be truthful with yourself about what those expectations are, otherwise, how can you tell anyone else?

Pain is inevitable, it's about what you do about the pain that counts.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Martial Arts Pick-up Lines

WARNING! If you are under-aged or have a weak constitution, don't read this post!!

A friend and I were discussing some of the fawning that goes on among our more youthful students in martial arts class. As you can imagine, the XY out number the XX by quite a bit. The conversation turned hysterical when "martial arts come-on lines" were bantered about. Here, for your entertainment:

  • It just doesn't hurt bad enough. (Ike or Jujitsu)
  • I just love being in the guard. (Randori)
  • NO, not there, just over a bit....OHMYGOD that hurts So right! (joint locks in general)
  • It is best if you come from behind. (sparring)
  • I might have to hit you with my BIG stick (Kobudo)
  • Yeah, it's solid wood (ditto)
  • The mount is my favorite (Randori)
  • Here, I have to touch you to show you the proper position (side kick)
  • Oh, my, did I bleed on you? (well, just pick an art)

And my current favorite:

That yellow and greens of your black eye really go well with that scarf....

I'm In!!

The word is in….I’m accepted!

Fate was looking out for me when I did not get into El Centro’s nursing program last semester.

This time around the powers that be told of a different path.
I will be attending Collin County’s nursing program this fall, 2006. I am very excited!

I have most of the classes already so the only big classes will be the nursing rotations. Two years of “starving student” and then it will be oh so much better!

Monday, March 06, 2006

The Ten Tenors

Last nightI went to see the Ten Tenors at the Majestic Theater in Dallas. What a treat! Ten Australian men with fantastic voices! I must admit, I was a little dubious after their first two pieces, as these were a bit stiff and very traditional. My opinion changed very promptly with a fantastic rendition of Queen’s Bohemian Rhapsody and then a equally impressive medley of the Beach Boys. People around us became teary-eyed at Simon and Garfunckle. Opera “without the boring bits” was an great experience. I must listen to live music more. It is a complete sensory experience. You see the performers, you feel the reverberations of the music, and your nervous system responds. It is great!

Last night was their last night in Dallas and you missed a treat if you like exceptional singing. Catch them next year. Wonderful!

Excellent thoughts...

Most of you know I do not lend myself to religiously slanted stories. But I felt this was meaningful enough to over look its slant. I hope you enjoy it. I have actually witnessed this type of situation, so it is especially meaningful.
As humans, we have so much to learn from the critters around us.

Just up the road from my home is a field, with two horses in it. From a distance, each looks like every other horse. But if you stop your car, or are walking by, you will notice something quite amazing. Looking into the eyes of one horse will disclose that he is blind. His owner has chosen not to have him put down, but has made a good home for him. This alone is amazing. If nearby and listening, you will hear the sound of a bell. Looking around for the source of the sound, you will see that it comes from the smaller horse in the field. Attached to her halter is a small bell. It lets her blind friend know where he is, so he can follow her. As you stand and watch these two friends, you'll see how she is always checking on him, and that he will listen for her bell and then slowly walk to where she is, trusting that she will not lead him astray. When she returns to the shelter of the barn each evening, she stops occasionally and looks back, making sure her friend isn't too far behind to hear the bell. Like the owners of these two horses, God does not throw us away just because we are not perfect or because we have problems or challenges. He watches over us and even brings others into our lives to help us when we are in need. Sometimes we are the blind horse being guided by the little ringing bell of those who God places in our lives. Other times we are the guide horse, helping others see. Good friends are like this..........You don't always see them, but you know they are always there. Please listen for my bell and I'll listen for yours.

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Quote of the Day

There are two ways to live your life.
One is as though nothing is a miracle.
The other is as though everything is a miracle.
-- Albert Einstein

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

You Are What You Eat...

Tonight I watched Supersize me. Wow, what an eye-opening experience. I am not someone who eats lots of fast food. As a matter of fact, I don’t recall the last time I had fast food. I like to cook and pretty much eat most of my meals at home or at friends’ homes. Even at friend’s homes, I am still sometimes the cook.

Basically, you are what you eat. (Yes, I know this makes me chocolate) If you put bad fuel into a car, the car runs badly. Your body is no different. The really upsetting issues were the ones dealing with what our public schools feed our children. There is so much sugar! Our education is devoid of nutrition classes and becoming less and less supportive of physical education.

One alternative school, yes the school where you send “bad” kids, completely changed most of their behavior problems by feeding the kids a better diet.
Low carbs, low to no sugar, good protein that is not beef and all of it freshly prepared.

You know, like moms used to cook. I grew up with a mom who cooked three meals a day. We had a proper diet, and I have the adult health to show for it. Thanks, Mom.

Health is really taken for granted in the US. Making the right food choices is really hard. Our food environment doesn’t help, nor does the food industry.

It’s not about health, it’s about money.

Our health as a nation is worth so much more than just cash.

Saturday, February 11, 2006

A New Semester

With the semester back in swing, my blogging is in a lull. Hopefully, once I get things whipped into shape, I will blog with gusto once again. This semester is Developmental Psychology which I am taking online. The first test was this week and I am still all A’s!

I like Psychology of any sort because it really helps to explain the world around you considering most of the world around you is occupied by people. By being only a little more observant, you can learn volumes about those around you; their behaviors, where those behaviors come from and what their actions/reactions can be.

People behave the way they do for reasons. If things don’t make sense, you usually can be patient and observant; OK, maybe ask a few questions, and usually you will be able to understand. There is always a reason. We all have our warts, our shining qualities and just plain normalcy too.

The part of psychology that always fascinates me is the nature vs nurture issue. In my opinion, we are obviously a combination of the too. I think your genetics sets you on a scale and your environment places you and your behaviors/perceptions somewhere on that scale either up or down. One can change where they are on that scale but one must find the scale in the first place.

Ah, self awareness….

Another blog topic…

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

The Devil's Playground

I watched an interesting movie this weekend, Devil’s Playground.

It is a documentary about the Amish youth during their ‘Rumspringa’. This is the time from the age of 16 to about 22 that the Amish youth are basically forgiven anything and allowed to experience the outside world. The purpose of this time is for the youth to decide whether they want to stay within the bounds of the Amish faith and culture or integrate into western or ‘English’ as they refer to the outside world.

First of all, it is really amazing that these kids can do anything and I mean anything, then choose the Amish way of life, dedicate themselves to Christ and the entire culture accepts them and forgives completely.

However, these kids are so ill equipped to deal with the outside world. They have all quit school after the 8th grade, every technological thing save the cell phone is new and having led such a regimented life, their naiveté is overwhelming. They are hobbled before they even try.

And if they choose to leave the Amish ways, they must embark on a totally new way of life.

I felt both sorry for them and strangely curious about their lives.

One of the interviewees discussed how choosing the Amish ways basically involved putting one’s self second and the community first. A great deal of self sacrifice. It was obvious this was of great comfort to many of the youth. Accepting the ways of the culture meant you would always have help, regardless of where you were. Your duties and place in society would be spelled out and generally there was always a family business or family trade you would be taught and thus have a way of living. Both genders have distinct roles and expectations. A great deal of confusion and discord are eliminated with such definition to one’s life.

Other youth were simply not able to see themselves in this way of life. So they chose do go it on their own. It was difficult; an eighth grade education, totally different schooling, a social structure completely different from the rest of the world, these issues made this choice challenging to say the least.
But the ones that chose this were happy, none the less.

It was really an interesting documentary. Many facets of the Amish way of life, its choices and the advantages and disadvantages were shown.

I recommend it.

Monday, January 23, 2006

So, how does this help me??

I ask, what possible biological and evolutionary benefit did PMS hold for evolving woman-kind? As a scientist, I believe the majority of our biology evolved because of a benefit it gave us or our offspring.

How would being moody and irritable at one particular time of the month and then affectionate and happy the next only to transition into “please, can I kill something that fights back?” and then weeping about the whole thing later possibly have been of evolutionary benefit? Or, were pre-Homo sapien females not troubled by these crazy hormonally driven behaviors? Surely they were…

We are exactly what our hormones dictate us to be. And, to be really honest, it is a pain in the posterior being female at times. Your logical brain knows what is causing your particular behaviors at the time, but that primal, emotional part of you just seems to tell that logical part where to go and exactly what it can do to itself.


Miss Whiskers Invades...

Miss Whiskers Invades...
Originally uploaded by lgmontgomery2005.
Well, as you can see, great progress has been make with my kitty-friend. She was happily melted into the sofa Sun AM. Very content. She is still an outdoor kitty, but she enjoys her inside visits.


Originally uploaded by lgmontgomery2005.
I must admit, I have been staggered by the growth-rate of this bulb! It was just a boring bulb on Dec 15th. Now it is about 2 ft tall and still has a second set of buds coming. And so RED!


Originally uploaded by lgmontgomery2005.
This is one of my Christmas gifts from a co-worker. We were supposed to give each other things that we truly love. This particular gift was from our office's talented gardener!

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Day Three!

Today was a day of Blue Runs!!

I felt much better about turning and stopping. Everything is falling into place for the sport of skiing! The Blue Runs were challenging enough to warrant thought, but I did not have that “Oh my god…!” feeling that I encountered the day before. Skiing is great!

The scenery, the snow, the crispness of the air; it’s all so amazing. Everything looks so pristine and beautiful. I love the snow and the season. The quietude is fabulous. The silence is wonderful.

Enjoy the pictures!

Super Chair lift view

Super Chair lift view
Originally uploaded by lgmontgomery2005.
Here you can see the town of Breckinridge at the base of the mountain.

From Super Chair 4

From Super Chair 4
Originally uploaded by lgmontgomery2005.
Yet another spectacular view...

From Bonaza-1

From Bonaza-1
Originally uploaded by lgmontgomery2005.
This is some of the view from the lift. Gorgeous!

From Bonaza-2-lift

From Bonaza-2-lift
Originally uploaded by lgmontgomery2005.
This is one of the lifts that I rode today to access the blue slopes. If you look, you can just see where the lift ends at the top!

Monday, January 09, 2006

Breckinridge Day Two

Breckinridge, Day Two

Well, I survived the all day lesson! I got the boots refitted and now my ankles are free to ski pain-free! Yippee!

Day Two was also the day of the super, ridiculous hat, so go to Jen’s blog and see it. It will be worth the click of your mouse!

For the second day I warmed up with a Green slope and then did my first two Blue Slopes. A little intimidating, as I am now past the teenage years of immortality. However, Jen was the absolute picture of patience. Instead of skiing over and saying in annoyed fashion, “Get up and put your ski back on!!” She would ski over, stop elegantly and ask, “Are you Ok? That was a spectacular fall!”
So I fell a lot, but I didn't know that you can have such incredible fun falling in the snow!

The knee braces were excellent for the one most spectacular fall (STILL not a yard-sale!!) I felt my left knee wanting to go in a direction it was not intended to go. But no worries, all was well!

By the second blue run, I fell a lot less. One of my falls was so boring the ski instructors rated it a 3. One of the issues was the ill fitting boots I skied in yesterday. My right leg was so tired because it did most of the work yesterday that it started to give out half way through the second run. I had used it so much the day before because my left ankle hurt so badly.

Live and learn. Skiing is work, but it should not be painful. Well, unless you go visit trees or something. I only did that once, very gracefully, and just ended up under the tree, not wrapped around it! Of course there was the, “Oh, this can’t be good!” I yelled as I slowly but certainly entered the tree line. Much laughter ensued.

So, what's the verdict? I have to do this again. Next time, I will most definitely snowboard. The appeal it holds has only intensified as I’ve watched all the snowboarders. I really, really, want to snow board.

One thing at a time. I will rest my weary quads for the rest of the day, prep for dinner as I am on Team Two for cooking duty tonight and visit town.

Check below for pictures from some of the Blue slopes!!


Originally uploaded by lgmontgomery2005.
A final look from the blue slope 4 o'clock. Gorgeous!!


Originally uploaded by lgmontgomery2005.
A view downhill of 4 o'clock Blue slope

View From Blue Slope 4 O'clock

Originally uploaded by lgmontgomery2005.
Here is one of the vista from the slopes...

Saturday, January 07, 2006

Breckinridge, Day One

Colorado is beautiful! Snow and mountains and wow an altitude headache!! The arrival to Breckinridge was uneventful. It is really beautiful here.

There are 16 of us who have banded together in renting this 4000 sqft house we are staying in. The floors are heated! Such a cool thing. I will keep you posted on how the ski lessons go tomorrow. I have never skied before and am a little apprehensive what with the previous knee surgeries. Yep, both knees have already had surgery. It has been made clear to me that my getting hurt is not an option. I’ll be careful, it should be really fun!

Below are the pictures so far…

buried swing

buried swing
Originally uploaded by lgmontgomery2005.
This is the porch swing....I guess it is more useful in summer.

Puffy Dove

Puffy Dove
Originally uploaded by lgmontgomery2005.
Everything we brought from Dallas is "puffy" considering we are at about 9000 ft.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Miss Whiskers gets closer...

Originally uploaded by lgmontgomery2005.
These are pictures of my new found furry friend...Miss Whiskers. I heard very faint meowing late this past Friday night. Considering my inability to sleep like normal people, I heard this little kitty voice and went down to investigate.

I went outside and called with the universal kitty cat call:
“Here…..Kitty, Kitty, Kitty…”
Why do all cats answer to that???

And sure enough, this little, rag-a-muffin calico cat came trotting across the parking lot. One look told me she was half starved, and goodness knows nothing starves if I can have anything to do with it, whether it is man or beast.

So since I don’t have any pets other than fish, and fish are friends, not food, I went and opened a can of tuna. Already killed fish can be food. The irony was not lost on me.

After putting down food and water, I waited. And I called.
She got pretty close, but it was obvious that my porch was just not safe enough yet. So I placed the food across the street, left the water on my porch and went to bed.

Then next night, she was back. I have left food out always and it has worked. She will go into my house but not yet stay. She’s got to come of her own free will, and want to be there, I see no point in keeping her if she doesn’t want to be there. I figure in time, she’ll calm down and come on in.

I don’t know if I can keep her. I am not at all prepared for anything more demanding than fish, so it may be I get her fat and friendly (the fat part is all that’s left to do) and find her a nice home. She is so very sweet!

I’ll keep you posted.

Miss Whiskers relaxing...

Originally uploaded by lgmontgomery2005.

Miss Whiskers

Originally uploaded by lgmontgomery2005.

A New Taste in My Life

I am so excited! I have been someone who has been denied the finger-licking yumminess of nuts my whole life. I’m not allergic; they just all taste like chalk. Yes, all of them, regardless of type or roasted or salted. The chalk taste is overwhelming, even ground to fine bits of nuts that are in cakes and cookies. All I would taste was sweet chalk or chocolate chalk. It says a great deal when the taste and desire for chocolate can be completely shut down by a few pesky nuts.

I assumed I was missing the taste receptors for nuts. Or a worse thought, those taste receptors were wired into the “chalky goodness” center. Yuck.

But about 3-4 years ago, I began to enjoy peanut butter. Although a staple in our home growing up, it was, well, nasty. It had the endearing flavor of buttery chalk. Yeah.
However, as some of you know, I am not one to give up on things easily. A dog with a bone shall we say. So I continued to try peanut butter, and lo and behold, one day it was really yummy! Just like that.

So I have never given up on nuts. Why should I be denied a perfectly healthy, portable snack? So I kept trying.
Then I discovered that I can taste pistachios!! So hearty, so crunchy and with such non-chalky goodness!!

I am so excited!! There is hope for my ill-wired taste buds after all.
Now if I can just learn to drink coffee without the Baileys….