Thursday, March 23, 2006

Martial Arts Pick-up Lines

WARNING! If you are under-aged or have a weak constitution, don't read this post!!

A friend and I were discussing some of the fawning that goes on among our more youthful students in martial arts class. As you can imagine, the XY out number the XX by quite a bit. The conversation turned hysterical when "martial arts come-on lines" were bantered about. Here, for your entertainment:

  • It just doesn't hurt bad enough. (Ike or Jujitsu)
  • I just love being in the guard. (Randori)
  • NO, not there, just over a bit....OHMYGOD that hurts So right! (joint locks in general)
  • It is best if you come from behind. (sparring)
  • I might have to hit you with my BIG stick (Kobudo)
  • Yeah, it's solid wood (ditto)
  • The mount is my favorite (Randori)
  • Here, I have to touch you to show you the proper position (side kick)
  • Oh, my, did I bleed on you? (well, just pick an art)

And my current favorite:

That yellow and greens of your black eye really go well with that scarf....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Uh, the yellow and purple really do make you look tough.