Friday, October 12, 2007


I have started to have many thoughts on horses. It has been several years now since I have ridden. Certain circumstances surrounding the sale of my last horse, Silvey, left me without the energy or desire to pursue my four-legged, velvet-muzzled friends.

I have started looking at pictures again and thinking it would be nice to go for a little ride. Just a little one. I miss riding terribly and I miss horses - their smell, their fuzzy noses and their way of just being with you.

Of course I still have friends that ride and have horses, so I could go out and ride. I guess I will when I am ready.
In the mean time, I can hear them trotting in my head, hear their breath puff in time with their stride and hear the clomp-clomp-clomp of their hooves down the barn alley.

Eventually, I guess I go riding some again.

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